Friday, May 17

Trump Delivers Remarks at Republican Jewish Coalition

During a speech to the Republican Jewish Coalition, former President Donald Trump made a strong statement, emphasizing the close connection between the United States and Israel. He argued that these two nations represent the pinnacle of Western civilization, making them prime targets for those with destructive intentions. Trump pointed out that anti-Israel chants often coincide with anti-American sentiments, particularly evident in the rhetoric coming from Iran and extremist groups in the Middle East.

Trump delivered his address during a time of escalating tensions in Israel, especially following a terrorist attack on October 7. He asserted that this growing animosity is not limited to foreign adversaries, but can also be seen among anti-Zionist and anti-Semitic movements within the United States.

Towards the end of his speech, Trump called for unity among Americans and strong supporters of Israel, emphasizing the importance of a robust alliance to withstand any challenges.

Joining him on stage were several other Republican leaders, including former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina, and former Vice President Mike Pence, who announced his withdrawal from the upcoming presidential race.

Trump did not hesitate to criticize the current administration, placing blame on President Biden for the attack on Israel and labeling him as the worst President in US history. He argued that the Biden administration’s weakness has emboldened the country’s enemies, emphasizing the need for a strong military, secure borders, and strong family values.

In a final call to action, Trump urged Americans to vote against President Joe Biden’s policies, which he believed were harmful to both the United States and its ally, Israel. He declared that the upcoming 2024 election would be a crucial moment for both countries and urged the audience to actively participate, calling it “the most important election in the history of our country.”

By concluding his speech with a plea for electoral engagement, Trump expressed his deep concern that inaction could lead to irreversible harm for both the United States and Israel. He thanked the crowd, reiterated his commitment to strengthening both nations, and ended with his well-known slogan, “Make America Great Again.”